Thursday, May 24, 2012

Clark Beyer (Hastings) on government spending

Recorded at the Edith Abbott Memorial Library in Grand Island. What are your thoughts on this issue? Add your comments to this post!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Teopisto Elnas, Jr. - Philippines visitor

Teopisto Elnas, Jr. serves on the Commission on Elections in the Philippines. He visited Grand Island in May as part of a trip to learn more about the electoral process in the United States. Elnas took a few minutes to record a Voter Voices video at the Grand Island library about his trip.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Andra White (Broken Bow) on immigration

Recorded at the Broken Bow Public Library. What are your thoughts on this issue? Add your comments to this post!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Voter Voices on NET Radio: Central Nebraskans frustrated by politics, politicians

Voters aren’t happy with politics and politicians, at least according to a small group of Nebraskans brought together for a roundtable discussion. Mike Tobias reports in today’s Signature Story, part of the NET News "Campaign Connection 2012: Voter Voices" project and the second story from our roundtable discussion in Broken Bow. (CLICK HERE to listen to and read the story)